Privacy Notice

In accordance with new GDPR Legislation May 2018 I am required to inform you
of why, where and how we gather and store any personal information about
your family and your child.

The new legislation requires childminders to obtain permission from parents
to gather, store and share information about their child. As a childminder
setting I require the following information:

  • Childs name
  • Childs DOB
  • Address
  • Parental responsibility
  • Parents contact details including email address and phone numbers
  • Emergency contact details
  • Drs name and contact details
  • Any medical details
  • Any special needs or disabilities
  • Religion/Ethnic group. This has to be submitted to ECC as part of a
    Sufficiency Report.

I am required to hold and use this personal data in order to comply with the
statutory framework of England, Ofsted, the Department for Education and my
local authority early years team. This data will be used to:

  • support your child's development
  • monitor and report on your child's progress
  • share information about activities in our setting
  • contact named people in an emergency
  • share with other professionals in accordance with legislation
  • ensure a contract of service is delivered and maintained
  • ensure that this setting receives the statutory funding for which it
    is eligible

With your permission this data may be, when necessary, shared with:

  • Other professionals supporting your child, for example health
    visitor, pre-school, nursery, school, other health or education professional
  • My local authority through the Free Childcare and Early Education
    Entitlement headcount and annual Early Years Census (England)
  • My local authority for the purposes of funded services that they
  • The local safeguarding children's board or Social Services Referral
    and Assessment Team if I ever have any concerns about the safety of yourchild
  • Ofsted

If you want to see a copy of the information I hold and share about you or
your child then please speak with me.

I keep paper records of all children's information and development and try
not to store anything electronically except telephone numbers of parents and
information shared with Kent County Council in relation to FEEE. These
details will be stored securely in a cupboard and will not be accessed or
viewed by anyone other than myself without parent's permission. Parental
permission will be required to share any information with outside agencies
such as Preschool, school, health visitors etc unless informing parents
would place the child in immediate danger, in this case information would be
shared without parental permission.

I am also required under Ofsted regulations to record your child's
development under EYFS, this includes taking photographs to use in the
child's learning journal, permission will be sought from parents for their
own child's picture to be included in other children's learning journals on
the understanding that once that child leaves the photos then become the
property of that child's parents and we no longer have responsibility for
them. This is because under the new GDPR legislation a parent can now
withdraw permission for us to store, use or keep any photos or personal
information of a child. Obviously any information pertaining to accident or
incidents involving a child in our care has to be kept until a child reaches
21 years and 3 months of age will not be included in the withdrawal of
permission as we are required by Ofsted and our insurance to keep this

We are now also required to have parental permission in the methods we use
to contact you and share information. I store parent's mobile numbers on my
mobile phone and will continue to use this method to contact you unless told
otherwise. I use whatsapp to share photos and information with parents about
the child's daily routine and will continue to use this method unless
informed otherwise by a parent.

If a parent requires me to delete or destroy any information about their
child once they have left the setting I will discuss the information with
them and explain which parts can be deleted and which information must be
kept in order to comply with my Ofsted registration and insurance

If you feel your data has been breached please inform me as soon as possible
and I will do likewise with you. In the case of a security breach I will
report to ICO within 72 hrs and tell them how I am dealing with it and what
I have done to rectify. I will also act on any advice given by ICO and keep
you fully updated

ICO reporting number: 0303 123 1113

ICO web address: